Niñas Sabias What We Do

What We Do

What We Do Has a Purpose

Through all we do, we place ALL GIRLS at the center weaving education, empowerment and entrepreneurship to provide a solid foundation upon which girls can build their dreams.

Understanding the importance of embodied education, which involves experiential learning for girls, Wise Girls develops programs for schools and communities to initiate girls into their worth, wisdom, and power.

To do this in every context, we train women to become Wise Girls Teachers, so the girl's circle can be recreated everywhere; and we form & support women’s local enterprises to provide girls with materiales and resources so they can learn, flourish and thrive.

Know our work and join us in awakening girls' innate wisdom so that their light can illuminate the path to a brighter future for all.

Our services

Niñas Sabias What We Do


Wise Girls Workshop

Safe Girls Workshop

Healthy Girls Workshop

Boys Who Know

Wise Menarche

Niñas Sabias What We Do


Wise Girls Teachers Training Program

Live Training for Wise Girls Projects

Online Training for Independent Wise Girls Teachers

Niñas Sabias What We Do


Wise Girls Women's Enterprises

Wise Girls Educational Material

Wise Girl's Merchandise

Niñas Sabias Make It Happen
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