
Who We Are and What We Do

Allow us to present ourselves with this 4-minute video of our mission and work for All Girls to be Healthy, Safe and Wise

We Are Wise Girls

Watch our 1-minute presentation of Wise Girl’s purpose

What Is a Wise Girl

All girls have inborn pearls of wisdom waiting to bloom. We call a girl who attends and completes our menstrual education program: a wise girl

Girl’s Guardians

With this video we present our Girl’s Guardians Campaign to support girls month to month so they can stay in school and flourish in life

Project Sanas, Seguras y Sabias
Girls free of violence and discrimination

With this video by Voces Nuestras in Costa Rica we present a project that will benefit 600 indigenous and rural girls who will receive Menstrual Health education for self-knowledge and self-care in Costa Rica and Mexico 2023-2025.

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