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In Mexico, 43% of girls in puberty prefer not to attend school during their menstrual periods. (Unicef)

A period is not a problem... unless it leads to girls missing school, dropping out and feeling they are unworthy.

Together, we can change this.

Niñas Sabias Make It Happen

We initiate Girls in their

Wisdom and Power

to Succeed and Thrive

Our mission weaves education, empowerment and entrepreneurship so girls emerge stronger and happier in pursuit of their dreams.

Niñas Sabias Guardians Make It Happen
Niñas Sabias Projects

Buy Beautiful Wise Products for Girls

Why do this?

Menstrual health problems are a significant issue affecting millions of girls and women in Latin America. The lack of access to menstrual products, and the insufficient education about cycles and fertility knowledge have a severe impact on women's health, daily lives and futures.

Providing knowledge, health, dignity, and self-awareness to girls thrives them, and their families and communities.

By becoming a part of this project we plant powerful seeds of transformation for generations to come...

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